The Moon Swing is a magical psychic and spiritual experience you can give yourself anytime. You can invite anyone to your moon swing, but today, invite your Higher Self.
Do this in whatever way is easiest for you. Use your imagination, thoughts or feelings. Allow the experience to be whatever it is.
Before you begin, get comfortable where you are right now, close your eyes and breathe.
1. Imagine a giant white moon glowing in the night sky. 2. Hanging from the moon is a large, comfortable swing. 3. Move yourself onto the Moon Swing and settle in. 4. Take in the view. The night sky is silent and peaceful. Stars are twinkling. The earth is far below, glowing blue and green. 5. Soak in the beauty, the peace, the quiet. Breathe. 6. Ask your Higher Self to join you on the Moon Swing. 7. Know your Higher Self is with you. Feel the connection between you. 8. Your Higher Self offers you love. Soak it up. 9. Your Higher Self offers you energy. Take it in. 10. Does your Higher Self have a message for you? If so, what is it? 11. Thank your Higher Self and return to earth.
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I'd love to work with you! Book a psychic reading or chakra clearing with me here.
I bless your life,
- Marla Lombard
Your online and phone Clairvoyant, Psychic Reader, Psychic Medium, Pet Communicator,
Psychic Spiritual Teacher, Chakra and Energy Worker.
Author of “Discover the Ten Psychic Senses: The Complete Guide to Empower Your Psychic Self” (coming soon).
marla@marlalombard.com marlalombard.com 562-212-9100
© 2021 by Marla Lombard